
Danielle McPeake

Job Title

ACHD Clinical Nurse Specialist

Interests / expertise / research in CHD

Danielle developed a passion for cardiology in her first year of university whilst working on a coronary care unit.  Since then she has had experience in various different cardiac settings and has thoroughly enjoyed learning about the anatomy and physiology of the heart.

Danielle became interested in congenital heart disease whilst working in the cardiac intensive care unit where she nursed patients post cardiac surgery. She noted that she has always been fascinated by the different lesions and enjoyed discussing this with the patients and their families, and hearing about their experience with their condition.

Since joining the ACHD team, Danielle has developed a particular interest in cyanotic heart disease. She also really enjoys doing the young person’s clinic once a month and ensuring the transition process is a good experience for young people.

Current role and experience

Danielle joined the Bristol ACHD CNS team in April 2023.  Her role includes providing specialist nursing advice and support to patients with ACHD, as well as carrying out pre-assessments on patients undergoing cardiac surgery and cardiology interventions.

Previously Danielle has worked on a cardiology ward, in the cardiac catheter labs and in the cardiac intensive care unit.

Interests outside of work

Outside of work, Danielle enjoys crafts, baking, reading, exercising and going on holidays abroad.

Contact details

Photo of Danielle McPeake
Danielle McPeake
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