Useful Links for Young People and their Parents/Carers 


British Heart Foundation 

Somerville Heart Foundation  

Youth At Heart  

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston - Cardiac transition page 

Introduction to the Adult Congenital Heart Disease Service - Bristol (video) 

Information about ACHD psychology, Bristol 



Leaflets and Information


Young Person’s Guide to Transition and the Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) Service (University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff)

University Hospitals Bristol Transition Website (External link)


QR code posters


QR code poster for CHD teenagers - understanding your heart: a series of booklets from the British Heart Foundation

QR code poster for CHD parents - understanding your child's heart: a series of booklets from the British Heart Foundation


Tour of the Bristol Heart Institute


Young people born with congenital heart disease will transfer to adult services when they are 17 years old, the majority of whom will require lifelong follow-up. We know that making the switch from paediatric to adult services may feel daunting for some of our young patients, for a number of reasons.

To help answer some of their questions and address any concerns, a film has been created to give patients and their families an idea of what to expect when they come to the Bristol Heart Institute for treatment.



Resources from the British Heart Foundation


My Heart Op: A Young Person's Guide to having Heart Surgery (External link)

Support for young people - British Heart Foundation (External link)

Teen Heart - British Heart Foundation group for people aged 13-18 with a heart condition (External link)

Support for young people preparing for surgery - 9 short films (External link)


Leaflets from the Somerville Heart Foundation (to access these you need to become a Somerville Heart Foundation member - this is free)