In this section, you will find clinical information (guidelines, protocols and toolkits) relevant to Transition and the care of Young People.
The information is listed in alphabetical order.
If you have any suggestions for further documents to be added, please email:
11 to 25 Hub: Helping Young People Transition to Adult Services (website link)
Adolescence, Boundaries and Connections
Adolescent Transition Care - A Guide for Nurses
Adolescent Websites - Useful List
Bristol Heart Institute Consultants and their specialties for referral (May 2022)
Child to Adult Literature Review
Difficult conversations prompts re: self harm
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Interactive Pathway
Health Transition Resources - Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)
Motivational Interviewing: A Brief Guide
Patient information and resources for moving to the adult services
Physical Activity: A Guide for Young People with a Congenital Heart Condition and their Families
The ready steady go transition programme
Ready, Steady, Go - GO Questionnaire
Ready, Steady, Go - PARENT Questionnaire
Ready, Steady, Go - READY Questionnaire
Ready, Steady, Go - STEADY Questionnaire
Transition to the adult services - CHD network presentation
Transition between children's and adult's services - Social Care Institute for Excellence website
Transition: getting it right for young people - DoH
Transition - Understanding It and Making It Work