
Dr. Catherine Blakemore

Job Title

Consultant Cardiologist

Interests / expertise / research in CHD

Echo/ TOE/ stress echo.

Current role and experience

Dr Blakemore started as consultant cardiologist at Torbay in March 2017. Prior to this she spent 7 years as a consultant cardiologist in Poole Hospital, where she set up a quarterly joint congenital heart disease clinic with specialists from Southampton General which she ran for the duration of her time at Poole, as well as seeing congenital patients in her own weekly outpatient clinics. Dr Blakemore will be gradually taking over Dr Cathy Carey’s congenital heart disease patients at Torbay and will continue to work closely with the congenital heart specialists from Bristol.

Interests outside of work

Dr Blakemore enjoys singing with the Orlando Singers, a Dorset- based chamber choir, swimming and walking her 2-year old Boxer dog, Winston.