The Kings Fund tells us there is clear evidence that targets and performance management has contributed to NHS performance improvements. Major achievements included reduced waiting times for patients, reductions in healthcare acquired infections and improvements in areas of clinical priority, like cancer and cardiac care.

A key element of the Congenital Heart Disease Network South Wales & South West's vision is to be a Network whereby patients have equitable access to services regardless of geography. One of our overarching objectives is to ensure timely and equitable access to services. As such, each quarter, the Network requests data from its Centres regarding patient waiting times. This information is complied into a quarterly dashboard and data is reviewed, highlighting areas where national standards for treatment times are not being met and/or where patients are waiting too long for aspects of their care.

The next step is for centres to ensure plans are in place to improve performance and any clinical risk held in pockets of poor performance is assessed and addressed. 

Copies of the Network dashboards to date can be found here:




Our aim is to develop these dashboards over time. If you have any thoughts or comments on the dashboard, please get in touch: